[SQUASHED,v18,8/8] Configure the Node a routable IPv6 ULA

Submitted by Tim Niemeyer on Oct. 14, 2017, 8:38 p.m.


Message ID 20171014203840.29696-9-tim@tn-x.org
State Accepted
Headers show

Commit Message

Tim Niemeyer Oct. 14, 2017, 8:38 p.m.
From: Adrian Schmutzler <freifunk@adrianschmutzler.de>

Signed-off-by: Christian Dresel <fff@chrisi01.de>
Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <freifunk@adrianschmutzler.de>
Signed-off-by: Tim Niemeyer <tim@tn-x.org>
Tested-by: Christian Dresel <fff@chrisi01.de>

Changes in v11:
- Evaluate ULA block more often

Changes in v10:
- Replace zeros by :: in addresses
- Use ip addresses as selector for deletion

Changes in v9:
- Add '0:' to suffix
- Do not delete ip addresses with same prefix

Changes in v8:
- Do not delete new ip addresses (in case they don't differ)
- Fixed typo in br-mesh
- Fixed escape char in prefix

Changes in v7:
- Add EUI64 address
- Change ifconfig to ip

Changes in v6:
- Typo in echo
- Optimized sed

Changes in v5:
- Only apply if ula_prefix is not empty
- Remove escape sign from ula_prefix

Changes in v4:
- Optimized grep and sed

Changes in v3:
- Added route block
- Inverted condition in address block
- Changed if style to "grep -q"
- Added some quotes

Changes in v2:
- Rebased onto keyXchange v2 patchset v15
- correctly handle keyxchangev2data without reloading
- added some quotes


Changes in v18: None
Changes in v17: None
Changes in v16: None
Changes in v15: None
Changes in v14: None
Changes in v13: None
Changes in v12: None
Changes in v11: None
Changes in v10: None
Changes in v9: None
Changes in v8: None
Changes in v7: None
Changes in v6: None
Changes in v5: None
Changes in v4: None
Changes in v3: None
Changes in v2: None

 .../fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood     | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+)

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diff --git a/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood b/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood
index 4057cd0..63580b1 100755
--- a/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood
+++ b/src/packages/fff/fff-hoods/files/usr/sbin/configurehood
@@ -181,6 +181,43 @@  if [ -s /tmp/keyxchangev2data ]; then
 	if hasInternet ; then
 		sh /usr/sbin/vpn-select
+	# now we load the prefix from the hoodfile and set this to br-mesh
+	json_select network
+	json_get_var prefix ula_prefix
+	# Set $prefix::MAC as IP
+	if [ -n "$prefix" ] ; then
+		prefix="$(echo "$prefix" | sed -e 's,\\,,')"
+		suffix="$(awk -F: '{ print "0:"$1$2":"$3$4":"$5$6 }' /sys/class/net/br-mesh/address)"
+		suffix_eui="$(awk -F: '{ printf("%02x%s:%sff:fe%s:%s%s\n", xor(("0x"$1),2), $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) }' /sys/class/net/br-mesh/address)"
+		addr="$(echo "$prefix" | sed -e 's,/,'$suffix'/,')"
+		echo $addr | grep -q "::" || addr="$(echo "$addr" | sed -e 's,:[0:]*:,::,')"
+		addr_eui="$(echo "$prefix" | sed -e 's,/,'$suffix_eui'/,')"
+		echo $addr_eui | grep -q "::" || addr_eui="$(echo "$addr_eui" | sed -e 's,:[0:]*:,::,')"
+		for ip in $(ip -6 addr show dev br-mesh | grep inet6 | grep -v -e " $addr" -e " $addr_eui" -e " fe80::" -e " fdff::" | cut -f6 -d " "); do
+			ip -6 addr del "$ip" dev br-mesh
+		done
+		if ! ( ip -6 addr show dev br-mesh | grep -q "$addr" ) ; then
+			ip -6 addr add "$addr" dev br-mesh
+			echo "Set ULA address to br-mesh: $addr"
+		else
+			echo "Address already set."
+		fi
+		# Set $prefix::link-local as IP
+		if ! ( ip -6 addr show dev br-mesh | grep -q "$addr_eui" ) ; then
+			ip -6 addr add "$addr_eui" dev br-mesh
+			echo "Set ULA EUI-64 address to br-mesh: $addr_eui"
+		else
+			echo "Address already set."
+		fi
+		if ! ( ip -6 route show dev br-mesh | grep -q "fc00::" ) ; then
+			ip -6 route add fc00::/7 via fe80::1 dev br-mesh
+			echo "Set ULA route to br-mesh."
+		else
+			echo "Route already set."
+		fi
+	fi
+	json_select ".." # back to root
 	echo "We haven't got a file. We do nothing. We try it again in 5 minutes...";
 	exit 0